What’s a Buyer Consultation & Why Do You Need One?

Buyer Consultation

Every home buyer needs a Buyer Consultation. Here’s why.

Ahhh… the dreaded Buyer Consultation. The event that some home buyers avoid like the plague.

Because, you know, the buyer’s consultation is where some super-slick real estate agent corners you with high pressure tactics to maneuver you into signing a document that basically ties you to that agent from now to eternity, come hell or high-water.

When all you want to do is get inside those dreamy homes you see on the web to take a closer look, to bring your vision into sharper focus.


But I’m Just Shopping

You’re just “shopping,” and you’ve heard that real estate agents screen for lookie loos. You’re not sure you want to buy a home this week, this month, or even this year. And you don’t want to be pinned down.

Then there’s the issue that a stranger whom you’ve only talked to on the phone or in email, insists on formalizing the relationship in their office. Sure, you’ve seen their picture and checked out their website, but still.

Sitting across from a stranger, sharing your dream of owning your own home and all that means to you, feels like a first date with way too much implied commitment. Seriously, you don’t even know this person.

Then there’s the time issue. Why waste time on formalities when you could be looking at homes instead. Buying a home is a no-brainer, right? What’s to talk about?

What’s to Talk About? Seriously?

We’re laughing because each of us on the SkyBlue Portland team–long before we became real estate agents ourselves–has thought this exact thing at one time or another. In our desire to see homes fast, while the excitement was still strong, we zoomed around town with real estate agents with whom we had barely exchanged hellos. We spent exhausting days being shown homes that had nothing to do with our wants and needs. Because we had not defined our wants and needs, even to ourselves.

In the end, all we got was confusion and frustration.

So let’s get this out of the way. At SkyBlue Portland, we do business differently. We are an integrity based business. We think of ourselves as coaches and advocates rather than as salespeople. Our goal is not to sell you a home. Our goal is to find and negotiate the successful purchase of the right home for you. A home that you will love for many years to come.

Your goals are our only goal. Your trust, satisfaction, and referrals are paramount to our long-term success as a business. We think long-term rather than short-term.

What Can You Expect from a SkyBlue Portland Buyer Consultation?

A SkyBlue Portland Buyer Consultation is a FREE, NO OBLIGATION SERVICE we provide to potential home buyers to assist them in clarifying what they really want in a neighborhood and home. We think it’s an important first step in getting you into the right home for your lifestyle.

The reason that most credible real estate agents today want signed Buyer’s Agreements before engaging with a potential buyer, is to ensure fairness to the agent. While the services of a buyer’s agent are free to the buyer, an agent has only so much time to invest with clients and must prioritize that time.

We work hard for our buyers, and we trust that they honor our time investment. Thus, we don’t work with buyers who are working with multiple agents. That’s not fair to us or the other agents.

If however, a buyer is at any point unhappy with our representation, they have the right to end the relationship. We don’t think that’s going to happen. But the option is there.

Why Is Getting to Know You So Important?

To assist you most effectively, we need to get to know YOU. We already know the pros and cons of each of Portland’s unique neighborhoods, as well as the smaller, surrounding towns in Portland Metro. This get-to-know-you process helps ensure you ultimately choose the right neighborhood and home for your lifestyle. Without this focusing process, we’re just looking at random homes all across the city.

The Buyer Consultation is also an opportunity for you to get to know us. You want to ensure that your buyer’s agent is someone you trust and want to work with. Because buying a home is often a stressful process, it’s important to choose an agent who listens to you, knows the business, knows the market, and can effectively negotiate with the seller. You’re only a phone call away.